Anemia – Microcytic

Anesthesia Implications

Anesthesia Implications

100% O2 – Anemia, in general, is an impairment of the body’s ability to transport O2 to the tissues. Unless contraindicated, give the patient 100% O2 and ensure proper ventilation.

Elective surgery delay – surgery may be delayed for up to 4 weeks to allow time for correction of anemia if the patient has not responded to iron therapy.

PBRCs (if life threatening) – if this condition has the potential to be life threatening, administer packed red blood cells (PBRCs)

Avoid nitrous oxide – nitrous oxide impairs vitamin B-12 activity, which can further contribute to anemia.


This anemia is seen in patients with severe iron deficiency. Iron deficiency causes ineffective erythropoiesis and results in small red blood cells.

Iron deficiency is typically caused by chronic blood loss (GI tract bleed or menstruation). Pregnancy also requires greater iron as there is a demand for RBC mass during gestation and fetal iron needs.

Nutritional deficiency of iron as a cause of anemia is usually only found in infants and small children.


Hines. Stoelting’s anesthesia and co-existing disease. 7th edition. 2018. 407-436